Ride & I’m a Trash CAN!
K+C made trash cans talk, dumpsters giggle and recycling bins sing in this campaign for Waste Management. Working with Houston ad agency The Company of Others, we created a campaign of spots to debut during the Waste Management Phoenix Open. Anytown, USA is the backdrop for the banter between trash toter pals and dumpster friends as they chat about recycling and the perils of being a trash can after a big house party. K+C directed and produced the live action and did all editorial, CG, character animation, and VFX work in house.

Dude, They can Talk!
In designing the mouths we wanted the physical constraints and realities of each style of trash can or dumpster to help dictate its talking-action and anatomy. The flexibility of the receptacle material allowed us to define how each character would speak. Sometimes playing a voice big is funniest, and other times the humor lies in the right contrast. We stayed open with our VO talent auditions and explored what felt the most comically right for each character to create our trash-talking ensemble.