Stop Motion + CG Worth Renting.
In order to maximize our creative and production flexibility for a string of Rent-A-Center campaigns, K+C directed 12+ spots with a skillful blend of live action that incorporated photo-real CG environments/products where necessary. We shot 3 spots per day with all practical components against green screen. Then our post team built out our environments and product in a stop motion fashion so our hero products looked stunning whether they were practically shot or done in CG.

Holiday Joy at RAC!
Our ongoing Rent-A-Center campaign kicked off with a series of holiday spots just in time for Black Friday, Thanksgiving & Christmas. K+C directed the stop motion live action and seamlessly combined it with stop motion CG products and environments. Our goal was to craft a series of spots that were enjoyable, captivating, and informative using playful stop motion featuring a broad spectrum of products available in store.