Cowboys Stadium Takeover.
At the heart of this film, we have a story of pride and recognition. It’s about the pride of football legends recognizing the new generation of Cowboy Star players and passing the mantle, the pride of the Dallas Cowboys and their stadium, and the pride AT&T feels as sponsors. K+C directed and shot Cowboy legends and current Cowboy stars on green screen then created a truly immersive 360 experience using every screen to maximum effect.

Theatre in the Round.
The center screen was our driving force. All other screens around the stadium worked together cohesively, in tandem with visual effects and sound design, to build the narrative from that central point. AT&T branding extends throughout the entire stadium, from ribbons to columns to the end zone board. We did this by unraveling the five lines of the AT&T globe – these lines ripple, weave, trace-off, reconnect, twist, and turn. They race along the screens, creating a network of dynamic pulsating graphics that wrap around and immerse the crowd, all designed in perfect unison with the music, driving the center screen story.