American Gods of Neon.
We brought 11 characters and their unique neon backdrops to life for this social and OOH campaign. Starting from original posters of the cast, we rebuilt all of the backgrounds in 3D, shot live action crows, tarantulas and coins on set, and combined them all to create one massive living poster collection.

Moving Character Posters.
Den of Geek! handed our K+C team a huge compliment with this nice quote.
“Moving posters were always kind of the bare minimum expectation we had for the distant future. Hell, if they could pull it off in Back to the Future and Harry Potter, they could pull it off in 2019. Of course, they haven’t always been as cool as we hoped. But that’s starting to change with this fascinating crop of moving character posters for American Gods Season 2.”
Thanks, DoG! We’re super proud of our K+C team that pulled this digital campaign off.

K+C does Digital for the Gods.
We cranked out everything BUT 16:9 for these original Moving Character Posters for STARZ. Our team based our initial build on the largest and widest aspect ratio first. As each poster came to life we then rearranged the 3D assets in layouts to fit square, vertical, billboards, and banners satisfying all Social and OOH needs.